About Me
I am Chaw Su Thwe, a Training & Development Professional from Myanmar, and currently based in Japan. I hold a Micro Master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology from the University of Maryland (US) and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Computer Studies Yangon (MM), along with a Bachelor’s degree and an Honours degree in Computer Science. I have more than 10 years of working experience in various domains: NGOs, Telecoms, Fin-Tech, and Insurance. I specialize in Adult Learning Methodologies and my expertise are in technical training, soft skills training, and other HR-related training, as well as leading and managing a team of trainers.
I am an EdTech specialist, experienced in end-to-end E-learning development and delivery, and managing my own LMS. Throughout my career journey, I have realized that I am passionate about helping people to learn new skills and to enhance their careers and lives. I design, develop, and deliver my training programs in different approaches and techniques. I also enjoy using new tools in my training, which has led me towards E-learning and learning technologies. Since I am from an ethnic minority in Myanmar and grew up in a small town, I truly understand the value of education and the barriers to reaching one’s educational goals. I am trying to break down all social, economic, and geographical barriers by developing E-learning courses that will enable everyone to learn from any part of the world.
I am a polyglot. Currently, I speak 5 languages which include my native Tavoyan, nearly native-level Burmese, C1 Level English, B1 Level German, and Basic Japanese. I am upgrading my skills and seeking knowledge day by day for a better version of myself. My lifelong passion is to give back and contribute to the community through education & writing. I dedicate myself to nurture people’s talents from my experiences and expertise.
I am also an avid traveler who is very fond of trekking, learning about new cultures, exploring new places, meeting new people, and tasting new cuisines. As an introvert, I love to spend time in nature, in libraries, or reading books in a cozy corner.
I am a writer. I write my travel experiences and stories here on this website to share my views of this wonderful world.
I teach. I travel. And I share it with all of you. This website is a virtual learning environment designed and created by me for extending your educational & travel experiences. Hope you will enjoy being on my site.
My Ikigai
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means ‘reason for being’. ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth.
My ikigai is my life purpose or my bliss as a human being on earth.
Since I was a teenager, I used to volunteer at community development programs, engaged in the improvement of orphanages to support all aspects of needs, teach orphans, train future volunteers, and participated in blood donation events. Since then I’ve realized that I am into public/human services, and I love teaching/nurturing and of course writing. Accordingly, I chose my training & development career to combine my interest with my work. I’ve found my ikigai in life which is giving back to the community with what I excel at, and I continue pursuing my passion for educating & developing people through teaching & writing.

My Mission, Vision & Values
As a mission-driven person, I persistently pursue my vision of a world where every learner can access education without any barriers, and I stand up for the core values that anchor me.